some people are like TVs, you get all you need to know from watching them...others are like books, you gotta work to know them and it takes time!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The week from hell!!!

SO this was definitely not my week! I lost 100 dollars that I don't have and now need, I didn't even get the letter of recommendation for this organization I want to join, I didn't get a workstudy job, and to top it all off...My FUCKING Refund is still not here yet!! So what the FUCK am I to do?? I swear, things felt like they couldn't get worse, but, alas they did: my phone is technically out of service, but I can still get incoming communiques.

I am hating all of this drama! I just wanna go to class, eat some good food, watch some nice tv, and chillax on the weekends. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?? I am so over this place...this city sucks, and my school sucks ass most of the time!

I am about ready to fire these suckas on my e-board for the Af-Am Studies Club: this Tuesday will be our fourth "FIRST" general Body meeting...WTF?? I mean I have an e-board so that everything doesn't fall on one person! I mean I made the fliers, why the fuck can't you print them and post them, without me micro-managing shit?? I mean I told the VP to call an e-board meeting, this fool completely ignored me and I had to call it...if I'm doing it all, I'll do it all and get rid of the dead weight! The Treasurer is not doing shit that I ask him to, I need to put together a damn budget so that I can go get appropriations and this fool will not go meet with our adviser to figure out the shit to put on the paper...Just go sit down and write!! and then give the shit to the VP, and please go and get a damn Treasurer's report form the damn business office...not the same one that I gave you from MAY!!!

This rant is over...I am so worn out by this shit...and I'm about over it...if too much else goes wrong...I'm gonna need to go on the watch!!