some people are like TVs, you get all you need to know from watching them...others are like books, you gotta work to know them and it takes time!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

You ain't got a bit o' sense...I swear!

Okay y'all, my days have begun to run together...and I am so lost at times...Lawd HEP me! So this week was really a work week for the internship, the Congressional Simulation(heretofore known as CIA[Congress in Action])...I had meetings on Wednesday and Thursday...and they wore me out!! I mean I'm already tired from staying up til all hours of the night and day, then I gotta sit around and discuss this inane ish, but I digress. So in Wednesday's meeting we voted to approve the committee appointments...and yours truly was appointed Ranking Member of the Ed & labor Committee, and also to serve on the platform committee(we decide the broad ideas for the party, as a way to guide legislation). So after the vote we addressed some concerns, and all Imma say is DAMN our leader is good!! She managed to get the Speaker of the house to agree to give up one of their seats on a committee to us, thereby eliminating their majority on this committee when they should have had an advantage of two seats, HAHAHAHA! WHOO! so then Thursday, the platform committee met...and I swear to you we were in that meeting for almost four hours!! but we got a dang good platform! I'm pretty dang excited about it. I got paid on Friday, which means I can finally get some dang groceries!!and there will be no more Trader Joe's for least not yet.

So to the title of the post, Dria da Diva is a complete and utter fool!! she can't stand nobody, and she is real confrontational, but in that secretly, sweet way...where you know she is capable of ripping your face off, but she don't seem like she about to...even though she is tearing you a new one!! So, I'm watching a movie with this crazy chick, why the hell did she say, "I'll be right back..."?? This crazy-lady went to bed...and was knocked out! But before that, Weirdo #1 was locked outta her room and they wouldn't let her in, so i decided to do the police knock. This woke the roommate, but it also woke up some drunk ass Whiteboy named Tom...OMG... he starts saying hello, so i just shut the fuck up...why in-THE-HELL did Dria start going back and forth with this fool?? so he comes over and starts high-fiving, telling us all kinds of shit we don't need to know(EX.: I just met up with a girl I haven't seen in forever(Q: AND???), I'm in the coast Guard(Q:And?), Congressman Cummings ripped us(Coast Guard) a new one). I am trying to cut off the Convo, but him and Weirdo one won't shut up, she keep eggin his ass on! So Dria says, "I don't wanna hear dis shit!!" and walks away to go sit down, me and Weirdo #1 are still there listening to his shit...I'm doing it so she won't be alone... but damn!!, SO I look back pleadingly, and Dria, yells, "Hey Robert! I gotta tell ya something!" so then Tom and I part ways; Weirdo # 1 is stuck and she said he tried to follow her into her apartment!! LOL, so she goes to her room and we start School DAZE, about ten minutes in is when Dria goes and does that shady move!! so then me and Precious finished watching School Daze and she finally got the food she ordered, and there was a extra cheese-steak sammich!! And do you know, Precious gave it to me!!! So Finally, Angie D got back to the room we talked and laughed and donated to the the Keep A Child Alive Campaign, it felt good. But before we donated we went through\ this thing about why we can't volunteer at certain places, b/c it make sus cry....why did I almost start crying talking about the Soup Kitchen and SHDM?? but then I left and came upstairs around 2AM and why was there a party in my room?? and some of the dudes gonna ask, "Who the Fuck is that nigga??" when I walk into my own room and put my food in my fridge!!! But one of the girls told him, "Shut the fuck up, he lives don't!!" LOL...a then I stayed up talking to a few of the other folks from the program...they all asked me where I go when I'm not in the room..and you know i hate that, I say, "I get ghost...that's all that matters..." and they were all like you right, go head!!! And my roommate clowned this one chick...he convinced her that he was going to bed, and he got her thinking he was just overly drunk....faking...and as soon as she left...he saw the elevator close and then grabbed his hoodie and some rubbers and flew across the street, I guess someone had fun since when i woke up at times during the night...his ass was gone!!! nasty...he just came in and told me that this chick said, "You know?? Almost every chick in this program wanna Fuck you..." HE says, "well do you??" Her: "no, Not me!!" so if she don't wanna fuck, why she make a point of finding him and telling him that?? I was cracking up when he told me that...I couldn't make this shit up if I tried...and I have a very active imagination!!!