some people are like TVs, you get all you need to know from watching them...others are like books, you gotta work to know them and it takes time!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Things Are Looking Up

I now have electricity, they came beating down the door at 9:15 this morning. I will have classes, turns out that the external scholarship place had asked for my information early this summer and the school didn't tell them about my progress, so they didn't send any money...I will still have to go and raise hell, because I'm not paying this damn late registration fee...that is damn book money! I don't even have time for that!! I really don't think it is my fault if the school didn't give them the information they requested, and I had done my part. But at least I won't be getting put back outta school!

More later!


(vixenchick) said...

just dropping by to show some love..give my Lucky some sugar from me, lol