some people are like TVs, you get all you need to know from watching them...others are like books, you gotta work to know them and it takes time!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Why Do They Make It So Hard??

I love my school in terms of classes, social opportunities, and overall
theme of mission. But I DO NOT love the way the school is run. Why do we
have to go to financial aid every semester? Or even every year? I mean I
have gotten the same awards for going on three years now, if anything
I've added awards, not subtracted! But somehow Even I got sucked into
the stupidity! I don't understnd what's going on! I mean the school pays
my tuition and my external scholarship and loan pay for evrything else,
what's going on? I mean why wait until the late registration period to
drop my classes? Drop them before, if you have to be stupid and drop
them. And conveniently, no one knows where I need to go to deal with
this shit!

But on another note, I have had no internet connection since I moved in
on August 24, 2008. I can deal with this, but now all of the outlets in
my room are inoperable! WTF??? I mean I can't when for losing! But
hopefully, I will be done with this drama soon! And there will be a
happy post, if all works out!
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