some people are like TVs, you get all you need to know from watching them...others are like books, you gotta work to know them and it takes time!

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's not so bad...

So, I'm basically alone in my hometown. I mean I have my family, but SHE is gone, as are all of my friends except for like one or two...and they are leaving in the next few I have a whole WEEK left at home and nothing to do except go to breakfast with one of my high school classmates.

So I'm trying not to be upset that SHE is gone, because I mean she's going to the same place that I'll be in next Saturday, but HELL I wish she could've just left when I left! I guess she didn't really have a choice since she transfered to the Sister School and has to go to orientation. But I mean things are gonna get a lot better once I get down there, then we will not have all of the distractions and intruders that we have at home. Also, from now on SHE will be known as Ms. (im)Perfection. This is because her imperfections and eccentricities are what make us so compatible, and also kinda volatile. I helped her pack her truck today so she can drive down in the morning...well I guess to drive down in a few ours...I wish I could go with her, but my dorm does NOT open until the I have nowhere to stay...and her momma ain't having that Bobby_2010 stay in the same hotel room thing. Also, her grandma, who loves me, threatened to come down to where we go to school and shoot up the entire city if I don't take care of Ms. (im)Perfection! And the crazy thing is, I kinda believe her! (Shivers, and teeth chatter)

Back to this friend that will still be here after all the others leave. He goes t the local university, and we met in 8th grade. Now I truly consider(ed?) him a friend, but this will be the first time I have ever hung out with him outside of a school function, a HIGH school function...I graduated three years ago. I mean...WTF is that about?? Anyway, I guess we are rectifying this...but it seems odd to me.I can't even imagine what the convo will be about as we eat breakfast...but I'm trying to come up with talking points, here are a few

  • college life so far
  • activities this summer
  • career aspirations
  • the presidential race (to my dear friends from school, and Sister School, he is a poli sci major, so this is appropriate)
  • and that's about it...any ideas would be appreciated!
And tomorrow, I am supposed to go to breakfast with one of my friends from High school, DJ Hizway, he is a gospel rapper(is that the correct term??). He also serves as one of my principal spiritual advisers when i can't think of where to find some info. The thing is, when i first met him I hated him...and this was middle school. Then as high school went on, we had classes together and he was friends with one of my fave buds, so he sat by us. Then he got saved and shared his testimony with us, and this cemented our friendship. And we hang out every time he comes down to where I go to school, and whenever I go home(if he's in town). I must admit, he actually inspires me to do better...especially with my HORRID language! I mean he came to visit me and I think every other word was FUCK!!!! even when we were speaking about religious matters! that is when i started trying to curb my cussin'. (Now, please believe, that is still my word...but it doesn't have to be said constantly, right??)

goodnight, or morning?? I must sleep some before going to this breakfast!

enjoy the video below...I thought it was appropriate!


The Young Lady said...

Awww I so understand how your feeling about Ms. (im)Perfection but she is being brainwashed lol into the ummmm Sister School Woman that we all aspire to be during your week apart. I welcome my new sister and say to u....U will be reuninted before you know it buddy. SO keep your head up :-)