some people are like TVs, you get all you need to know from watching them...others are like books, you gotta work to know them and it takes time!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Food,Oh How I Love Thee...and this is the whole problem

Why did I just get overly excited about the fact that I found my Favorite ice cream flavor(Butter Brickle) today? I mean, it is becoming more and more clear to me that I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I sit up and think of wonderful spreads of food as entertainment, I watch(ed) the food network religiously, until the Olympics started. I talk about food almost constantly, and I am always wondering about my next meal...this is not the worst. I have turned going out to eat into a hobby...or is it an addiction? I mean this would be different if it was like alcohol or cocaine, but this is an addiction to something I can't live without. I mean When Gram wanted to quit smoking she stopped cold turkey, if I do that with food, it just opens up another flood gate. I am not ready to become anorexic, and that really wouldn't be a good look for me anyway. I have to do something, and the crazy thing's so much easier when I'm at school. Probabaly b/c i rarely like anything they serve in the caf. I really need to go, and also, when I'm with Ms (im)Perfection, I tend to eat less, and to eat better things when i do eat more...I guess maybe I can only eat at school or with her forever...not so bad...I guess...but I'm gonna stop obsessing and enjoy this Butter Brickle (well, I already paid for it, why not eat it and I've already got a bowl in front of me, so just DROP it)

this video speaks to my unhealthy predicament...just think of the subject being is also a shout out to Angie and Dria...enjoys homies...I will always miss our little dance hours after long days at work (sniffles)!


Lucky said...

My mom always gets annoyed with me because apparently I talk about food all the time. Which COOKIES I don't think is POPCORN true, by the NACHOS way. I don't know where she gets these ideas from...

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

man i feel you. sometimes when im eating im thinking about what i an going to eat next. the only reason i can get away with it is because im not yet morbidly obese. someday its going to be all bad though.